J. Reuben Clark Law Society – Franklin Pierce

October 19, 2007


Filed under: Past Events — Tags: — jrcls @ 9:26 pm

Today’s event was a success.  JRCLS presented a video presentation about how to bring home the bacon, that is, how to effectively network and pull in clients for your firm.  In short, Atkin presented 3 core fundamentals that every attorney should have in his or her briefcase.

  1. You are a long ways from the market if you do not have anything to sell.
    1. What is your specialty  Establish the area of law in which you wish to specialize.  Take every opportunity to gain expertise in this area.
    2. Who are you prospective clients who are interested in your services?
    3. Where do your clients gather?
    4. Understand how your clients think?  Learn to think like your clients and act accordingly.
    5. Differentiate yourself from your competitor.  Quality, substance, knowledge, visibility, support of clients.
  2. The bees that make the honey, do not hang around the hive.
    1. Developing your business requires hard work.  “Just plain making the effort is the hardest part.”
    2. Play to your strengths.  If you present well, develop presentational materials, etc.
  3. The fear of failure is fatal to success.
    1. Start developing a business plan now to begin your career.
    2. Make a distinct effort to build lasting relationships with prospective clients, even though it may initially require you to make the first contact.

He also emphasized three focus areas for effective rainmaking:

  1. Relationship Building.  Think of innovative ways to connect with those who you meet.  Don’t pass up opportunities to meet people and get to know them.  You never know where they will lead.
  2. Reputation Building.  Get involved in trade groups and associations.  Focus on your specialty and publish it widely.
  3. Client Development / Retention.  Once you have them, keep them.  Don’t nickel and dime your clients.  Don’t hesitate to offer “free” advice from time to time as it will likely eventually draw more business your way.

If you are interested in obtaining the presentation, we can lend it to you.  Just email jrcls@piercelaw.edu.

Here is the The Flyer: 

You Think You Can Raindance?
A Presentation on the Art of Rainmaking
by William F. Atkin

Currently Associate General Counsel-International for The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, William F. Atkin distinguished himself at Baker & McKenzie, where he was Managing Partner of several offices including Taipei, San Francisco and the CIS (Moscow, St. Petersburg, Kiev and Almaty). He is also a former International Chair of the J. Reuben Clark Law Society.

Presented by the J. Reuben Clark Law Society and SBA sponsored

Friday October 19th
12:15 Room 227
Free Donuts and Drinks

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