J. Reuben Clark Law Society – Franklin Pierce

December 10, 2007

Lend a hand, be a Santa’s helper and sort toys.

Filed under: Christmas, Upcoming Events — Tags: — jrcls @ 7:08 pm

Hello fellow members!!!

Last year, the J. Reuben Clark Law Society took the opportunity to help the City of Concord with some Christmas shopping for some local needy children. This year, they do not need us to do child-specific shopping, but the city has received a ton of toys to be given to the less fortunate at Christmas and the toys need to be sorted. If anyone is interested in helping to sort the toys and has an hour (or more if desired) to donate next week, please feel free to do so. We realize this falls in the middle of finals, but everyone takes a break now and then, and there is no greater blessing then helping out those less fortunate than you.

Some of us will be going up there on either Monday or Tuesday (12/10 or 12/11) for about an hour, so if anyone wants to come with us, please let us know and we’ll carpool. If you do not have time to come with us but would still like to help, please call the contact person, Jackie; tell her you are with the law school groups that are helping with the toy sorting and ask her if there are still more toys to be sorted. (She may have other simple projects to help out with if the sorting has been finished before you get a chance to go.) The phone number to reach her is: 225-8575 and the hours of the location are 8:00 – 4:30. The address of the place is 247 Pleasant St., so it is right up the street from the school – a perfect break. Thank you all for all of your help and support so far this year! We really appreciate it!


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